Debriefing is a phase of synthesis and reflection that immediately follows a real-life or simulated situation. It is an essential educational step that forces the learners to reflect upon the thought processes that underlie their actions. Debriefing encourages a personal and collective reflection in order to remodel erroneous mental schemas and rectify actions done in context. Debriefing cannot be improvised; it requires a sound structure and regular practice in order to be truly effective. The debriefer must be considerate, choose appropriate learning objectives and dedicate ample time to the learners. Debriefing is focused on learning acquired in context-in other words, on the actions that were performed within a real-life or simulated clinical practice situation-and immediately follows the situation. After an initial phase of emotional release, the debriefer will help learners analyse their actions to identify their underlying rationale (contextualization), extract the overarching principles related to the lived situation in order to modify the rationale if needed (decontextualization) and assist the transfer of learning to real life (in the case of simulation) and to similar situations (recontextualization). A final summary of learning achieved during the training session concludes the debriefing. Debriefing is useful in any learning situation, including in internal medicine. Even if simulation is still underused in internal medicine, post-event debriefing can be implanted in our clinical services. Indeed, training our students and shaping them into healthcare professionals rest in no small part on hospital rotations where the intern is confronted with real-patient situations that are suitable to learning. Some in-hospital clinical encounters can be actively transformed into learning opportunities thanks to post-event debriefing, but can also passively morph into bad daily practice if no supporting action is implemented. Debriefing can thus provide an opportunity to develop non-technical skills in critical situations, or doctor-patient communication skills, within a team or between colleagues. These competencies are the hallmark of well-trained interns and are indispensable for the proper functioning of a care team. We will not develop the emotional and psychological management of debriefing in this article. We hope we will helpfully introduce as many of our colleagues as possible to the art of debriefing in most circumstances.
Keywords: Debriefing; Débriefing; Débriefing post-événement; Internal medicine; Medical education; Médecine interne; Post-event debriefing; Pédagogie; Simulation en santé; Simulation-based education.
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