Two decades after "To Err Is Human", the groundbreaking report published by the Institute of Medicine in the US, the German Patient Safety Alliance (Aktionsbündnis Patientensicherheit, APS) has published the "White Paper on Patient Safety". Based on the throughput model of health services research, the paper proposes a revised concept and definition of patient safety that focuses not only on the presence of adverse events (AE), but also on the ability of organizations and systems to adequately prioritize patient safety and implement this sustainably with improvement processes. Accordingly, a concept for measuring patient safety will be developed that no longer only quantitatively records AE, but also focuses on patient safety indicators that describe innovation competence. The epidemiological data will be updated; the rates of approximately 2-4% avoidable AE and 0.1% avoidable deaths among hospital patients appear to be highly conservative estimates. Data from non-representative sources, such as on legal procedures, underestimate frequencies by a factor of 30 ("litigation gap"). The most important obstacles to improving the situation are analyzed and give rise to the recommendation that, instead of one-point interventions (e.g., of a technical nature, such as IT-supported procedures), complex multicomponent interventions should increasingly be used in Germany, combining interventions with different approaches. Interventions at team level and with regard to management structures are focused on here.
Keywords: Adverse events, frequency; Medical errors; Multicomponent interventions, complex; Organizational innovations; Quality assurance, health care.