The S100A1 protein is a target of interest for the treatment of heart failure as it has been previously reported to be depleted in failing cardiomyocytes. A gene therapy approach leading to increased expression levels of the protein directly in the heart could potentially lead to restoration of contractile function and improve overall cell survival. S100A1 is a relatively small soluble protein that is extremely well conserved across species with only a single amino acid difference between the sequences in human and pig, a commonly used pre-clinical model for evaluation of efficacy, biodistribution and safety for cardiac-directed gene therapy approaches. This high homology presents a bioanalytical challenge for the accurate detection and quantitation of both endogenous (pig) and exogenous (human) transduced S100A1 proteins post treatment using a human S100A1 gene therapy in pigs. Here we present a sensitive and selective LC-MS/MS approach that can easily differentiate and simultaneously quantitate both human and pig S100A1 proteins. Additionally, we report on a detailed profiling of S100A1 protein in various pig tissues, a comprehensive evaluation of S100A1 distribution in pig hearts and a comparison to S100A1 levels in human cardiac samples.
Keywords: Gene therapy; Human and pig S100A1 protein; LCMS protein quantitation; Profiling of S100A1 distribution in pig tissues.
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