The chronic infection with the liver fluke of the genus Fasciola spp. is the most prevalent foodborne trematodiasis, affecting at least one-fourth of the world livestock grazing in areas where the parasite is present. Moreover, fascioliasis is considered a major zoonosis mainly in rural areas of central South America, Northern Africa, and Central Asia. Increasing evidences of resistance against triclabendazole may compromise its use as drug of choice; thus, novel control strategies are desperately needed. Functional genomic approaches play a key role in the validation and characterization of new targets for drug and vaccine development. So far, RNA interference has been the only gene silencing approach successfully employed in liver flukes of the genus Fasciola spp. Herein, we describe a detailed step-by-step protocol to perform gene silencing mediated by RNAi in Fasciola hepatica.
Keywords: Electrosoaking; F. hepatica; Gene silencing; RNAi; Soaking; dsRNA; siRNA.