Introduction: The majority of early pregnancy losses are due to chromosomal abnormalities, which can be evaluated by testing the products of conception (POCs). Traditionally, a dilation and curettage (D&C) is recommended to patients to obtain suitable tissue for analysis. This case series sought to determine whether patients with first-trimester pregnancy losses can successfully obtain analysis of POCs if they pass tissue with expectant management or misoprostol, rather than D&C.
Materials and methods: This is a retrospective cohort study of patients who desired analysis of POCs following an early pregnancy loss. The POCs were collected either at home by patients, or by providers following a D&C, and sent to an outside laboratory for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarray analysis.
Results: Of 50 identified patients, chromosomal analysis was successfully completed on: 22/34 (65%) of patients who passed pregnancy with misoprostol, 14/14 (100%) with D&C, and 1/2 (50%) with expectant management (x2, p = 0.03). Analysis was successful up to 9 days after tissue was collected, and 55 days after diagnosis of loss.
Conclusion: In our study, D&C was the superior method to obtain POCs for chromosomal analysis following a miscarriage, but medical and expectant management still had clinically acceptable success rates as well. Although further study is indicated, this small case series suggests that patient counselling regarding miscarriage management and desired chromosomal analysis should continue to include misoprostol and expectant management as inferior but still appropriate alternatives to D&C.
Keywords: Aneuploidy; Dilation and curettage; Genetics; Miscarriage; Recurrent pregnancy loss.
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