Background: While mass-casualty incidents (MCIs) may have competing absolute definitions, a universally ac-cepted criterion is one that strains locally available resources. In the fall of 2017, a MCI occurred in New York and Bellevue Hospital received multiple injured patients within minutes; lessons learned included the need for a formal-ized, efficient patient and injury tracking system. Our objective was to create an organized MCI clinical tracking form for civilian trauma centers.
Methods: After the MCI, the notes of the surgeon responsible for directing patient triage were analyzed. A suc-cinct, organized template was created that allows MCI directors to track demographics, injuries, interventions, and other important information for multiple patients in a real-time fashion. This tool was piloted during a subsequent MCI.
Results: In late 2018, the hospital received six patients following another MCI. They arrived within a 4-minute window, with 5 patients being critically injured. Two emergent surgeries and angioembolizations were performed. The tool was used by the MCI director to prioritize and expedite care. All physicians agreed that the tool assisted in orga-nizing diagnostic and therapeutic triage.
Conclusions: During MCIs, a streamlined patient tracking template assists with information recall and communica-tion between providers and may allow for expedited care.