The culture of schistosomiasis control is specific in the history of Chinese culture. Broadly speaking, the culture of schistosomiasis control is a summary of specific social mood, social consciousness and material culture created by Chinese populations during the progress of schistosomiasis control since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Narrowly speaking, the culture of schistosomiasis control is the spiritual culture that is jointly created and nurtured by schistosomiasis control workers since the founding of the People's Republic of China. The spiritual features of Chinese schistosomiasis control culture are characterized by the patriotism and care about the people, the matter-to-fact attitude, the pioneering and enterprising spirit, and the spirit of sacrifice and dedication. The ultimate goal of the research on the culture of schistosomiasis control is to facilitate the achievement of the strategic goal of Healthy China 2030 as scheduled, accelerate the progress towards elimination of schistosomiasis, and to promote the sustainable development of schistosomiasis control in China.
[摘要] 血防文化在中国文化史上独具特色, 广义上血防文化是指中华人民共和国成立以来中国人民在血吸虫病防治历程中创造并形成的独特风气、社会意识乃至物质文化等总和; 狭义上则是指中华人民共和国成立以来广大血防工作者所共同创造、发展和积淀起来的精神文化。血防文化的精神特质主要表现在心忧天下的爱国爱民精神、经世致用的求真务实精神、敢为人先的开拓进取精神、甘于奉献的牺牲精神 4 个方面。研究血防文化的最终目的在于促进“健康中国2030”战略目标如期实现、推动消除血吸虫病进程, 以及推进卫生血防事业行稳致远等。.
Keywords: Culture; Practical significance; Schistosomiasis control; Spiritual characteristic.