Background: The Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration project aimed to deliver evidence-based obesity prevention interventions to at-risk families at three demonstration sites. The interventions were delivered in multiple settings, including early childhood education centers (ECECs), public schools, and primary care clinics. An evaluation center conducted cross-site process, impact, and sustainability evaluations. Results of the cross-site process evaluation for the ECECs will be described. Methods: Reach (proportion of the target population who participated), dose delivered (materials and interventions that were distributed), and fidelity (proportion of planned intervention components delivered) were assessed at two levels (researcher-to-provider and provider-to-family levels). Standardized data forms were completed by research team members at each demonstration site with assistance from the evaluation center. Results: The Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration project reached 5174 children and 390 teachers in 58 ECECs. The centers delivered an average of 3.9 hours of training to teachers. A total of 1382 different types of materials were distributed to providers, and from 1.3 to 4.3 hours of technical support were delivered to centers monthly. For fidelity at the researcher-to-provider level, 49.5% (n = 370) of eligible teachers completed all training sessions. Considerable variations across demonstration sites in reach, dose delivered, and fidelity across were observed. Conclusion: The Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration project reached large numbers of children, families, teachers, and ECECs. Maintaining intervention fidelity while reaching large numbers of at-risk individuals proved to be a challenge.
Keywords: Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration; dose delivered; early childcare center; fidelity; process evaluation; reach.