Aim: To determine the role of antenatal parameters in predicting the outcome of bilateral fetal hydronephrosis.
Methodology: Total 50 antenatal women with bilateral antenatal fetal hydronephrosis (ANH) were included. On ultrasound, amount of liquor, kidney size, pelvic anteroposterior diameter, degree of caliectasis, bladder size, and thickness were observed at 28 and 32 weeks of gestation. For 3 months post-delivery, the babies were evaluated in terms of ultrasound renal parameters, serum creatinine levels, and need for surgery.
Results: The mean gestational age at delivery was 37.4 ± 1.7. All babies were alive at birth, 48 were alive after 3 months. Surgery was done in 10/50 cases; cystoscopic fulguration was the most common procedure. There was a resolution of bilateral ANH in 27/50 cases, in 5/50 cases there was pylectasis with normal serum creatinine, and in 18/50 cases there was adverse outcome. Most of the parameters had better sensitivity and specificity at 32 weeks than at 28 weeks. At 32-week gestation, the renal pylectasis between 10 and 15 mm had the highest sensitivity (88.9%), and the presence of caliectasis had the highest specificity (90.6%) for adverse outcome.
Conclusion: Resolution of hydronephrosis took place in the majority of cases, and there was an adverse outcome in only one-third of them. Renal caliectasis was the best marker for the prediction of adverse outcome.
Keywords: Bilateral renal anomaly; Caliectasis; Hydronephrosis; India; Prospective study; Pylectasis; Survival after birth.
© Federation of Obstetric & Gynecological Societies of India 2020.