Can yield potential be increased by manipulation of reproductive partitioning in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa)? Evidence from gibberellic acid synthesis inhibition using Paclobutrazol

Funct Plant Biol. 2011 Jun;38(5):420-430. doi: 10.1071/FP10168.


One factor conditioning quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) adoption is the need to increase yield. This paper analyses the effect that Paclobutrazol, a GA synthesis inhibitor, produces on yield, biomass, partitioning, seed number and weight in quinoa. Two experiments were conducted under field conditions: one compared a tall genotype (2-Want) with a shorter genotype (NL-6); while the other analysed seed yield and its components using the 2-Want genotype. As a consequence of Paclobutrazol application in the one-genotype experiment, plant height decreased from 197 to 138cm, yield increased from 517 to 791gm-2, seed numbers rose from 308000 to 432000seedsperm2, and the harvest index increased from 0.282 to 0.398gg-1. Biomass accumulation and seed weight were not affected. The leaf area index was reduced by Paclobutrazol but radiation interception was only marginally reduced; soil plant analysis development (SPAD) values and specific leaf weight were increased, but radiation use efficiency was not affected by treatments. Root biomass and lateral roots tended to increase under Paclobutrazol treatment. Genotypes were compared until the end of flowering and similar responses were obtained. Higher yields could be obtained in quinoa if reproductive partitioning was increased, turning it into a good candidate in the search for high quality protein sources.