Acute kidney injury is a major clinical challenge affecting as many as 1 percent of all hospitalized patients. Currently it is not possible to accurately stratify and predict the outcome of the individual patient. Increasing evidence supports metabolic reprogramming as a potential target for new biomarkers. Hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate imaging is a promising new tool for evaluating the metabolic status directly in the kidneys. We here investigate the prognostic potential of hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate in the setting of acute kidney injury in a rodent model of ischemia reperfusion. A significant correlation was found between the intra-renal metabolic profile 24 hours after reperfusion and 7 days after injury induction, as well as a correlation with the conventional plasma creatinine biomarker of renal function and markers of renal injury. This leads to a possible outcome prediction of renal function and injury development from a metabolic profile measured in vivo. The results support human translation of this new technology to renal patients as all experiements have been performed using clinical MRI equipment.