Background: Ankle dislocation without fracture is an extremely rare injury because it is usually accompanied by concomitant malleolar fractures from the anatomical and mechanical viewpoints.
Case presentation: We report the case of a 17-year-old woman who was injured while playing basketball. Her ankle was swollen and deformed. Plain X-ray revealed tibiotalar dislocation in the medial direction without any fractures. Immediate reduction and ligament repair using suture tape augmentation were performed.
Conclusions: At 5 months postoperatively, the patient returned to playing basketball without any complaints. After an additional 2 months, the patient participated and played in the Winter Cup 2019 (the national high school basketball tournament in Japan) at the previous performance level.
Keywords: Anterior talofibular ligament; Pure ankle dislocation; Suture tape augmentation; Tibiotalar; Young athlete.