The endothelin system may be an important player in hypertensive end-organ injury as endothelin-1 increases blood pressure and is pro-inflammatory. The immune system is emerging as an important regulator of blood pressure and we have shown that the early hypertensive response to angiotensin-II infusion was amplified in mice deficient of myeloid endothelin-B (ETB) receptors (LysM-CreEdnrblox/lox). Hypothesizing that these mice would display enhanced organ injury, we gave angiotensin-II to LysM-CreEdnrblox/lox and littermate controls (Ednrblox/lox) for six weeks. Unexpectedly, LysM-CreEdnrblox/lox mice were significantly protected from organ injury, with less proteinuria, glomerulosclerosis and inflammation of the kidney compared to controls. In the eye, LysM-CreEdnrblox/lox mice had fewer retinal hemorrhages, less microglial activation and less vessel rarefaction. Cardiac remodeling and dysfunction were similar in both groups at week six but LysM-CreEdnrblox/lox mice had better endothelial function. Although blood pressure was initially higher in LysM-CreEdnrblox/lox mice, this was not sustained. A natriuretic switch at about two weeks, due to enhanced ETB signaling in the kidney, induced a hypertensive reversal. By week six, blood pressure was lower in LysM-CreEdnrblox/lox mice than in controls. At six weeks, macrophages from LysM-CreEdnrblox/lox mice were more anti-inflammatory and had greater phagocytic ability compared to the macrophages of Ednrblox/lox mice. Thus, myeloid cell ETB receptor signaling drives this injury both through amplifying hypertension and by inflammatory polarization of macrophages.
Keywords: endothelin; hypertension; macrophages; organ injury.
Copyright © 2020 International Society of Nephrology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.