Background: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the main cause of death and comorbidities worldwide. It is estimated that three quarters of all deaths related to CVD occur in low and middle income countries such as Brazil. Furthermore, it is estimated that emerging countries will present the highest worldwide prevalence of such diseases by 2050. In view of the above, this study aims to characterize Brazilian hospital admission distribution classified by the ICD-10 in adults between 2008 and 2017 in Brazil.
Methods: This is a longitudinal descriptive study in which all data regarding hospital admissions registered in the Brazilian Hospital Information System of "Sistema Único de Saúde" (SIH/SUS) due to cardiovascular diseases (ICD-10) were included. All admissions from private or public services linked to the SUS from 2008 and 2017 were evaluated. The following variables were collected: number of hospital admissions, place of hospitalization classified by the ICD-10 and mortality rate at the federal level and according to regions. Absolute values and frequency of hospital admissions were grouped according to sex, age and living region as well as the number of deaths. The extracted data was stored in a Microsoft Excel 2013 program spreadsheet. Statistical analysis was performed by GraphPad Prism version 5.0 software.
Results: There was a total of 11,345,821 hospital admissions due to CVD registered between 2008 and 2017. Individuals from 50 to 79 years old were the most affected. Heart failure (21.3%), other ischemic heart diseases (13.3%) and stroke (11.4%) were responsible for almost half of the hospital admissions associated to CVD. The number of registered deaths caused by any CVD was 867,838 and the national mortality rate was 7.82.
Conclusion: CVD were responsible for around 10% of all hospital admissions in Brazil between 2008 and 2017. Moreover, it was possible to observe a decrease in hospital admissions as well as mortality rate over time after implementing governmental strategies to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Keywords: Cardiovascular diseases; Health services research; Hospitalization.