Purpose: To determine the impact of the COVID-19 on the CT activities in French radiological centers during the epidemic peak.
Materials and methods: A cross-sectional prospective CT scan survey was conducted between March 16 and April 12, 2020, in accordance with the local IRB. Seven hundred nine radiology centers were invited to participate in a weekly online survey. Numbers of CT examinations related to COVID-19 including at least chest (CTcovid) and whole chest CT scan activities (CTchest) were recorded each week. A sub-analysis on French departments was performed during the 4 weeks of the study. The impact of the number of RT-PCRs (reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reactions) on the CT workflow was tested using two-sample t test and Pearson's test.
Results: Five hundred seventy-seven structures finally registered (78%) with mean response numbers of 336 ± 18.9 (323; 351). Mean CTchest activity per radiologic structure ranged from 75.8 ± 133 (0-1444) on week 12 to 99.3 ± 138.6 (0-1147) on week 13. Mean ratio of CTcovid on CTchest varied from 0.36 to 0.59 on week 12 and week 14 respectively. There was a significant relationship between the number of RT-PCR performed and the number of CTcovid (r = 0.73, p = 3.10-16) but no link with the number of positive RT-PCR results.
Conclusion: In case of local high density COVID-19, CT workflow is strongly modified and redirected to the management of these specific patients.
Key points: • Over the 4-week survey period, 117,686 chest CT (CTtotal) were performed among the responding centers, including 61,784 (52%) CT performed for COVID-19 (CTcovid). • Across the country, the ratio CTcovid/CTtotal varied from 0.36 to 0.59 and depended significantly on the local epidemic density (p = 0.003). • In clinical practice, in a context of growing epidemic, in France, chest CT was used as a surrogate to RT-PCR for patient triage.
Keywords: COVID-19; Prospective; Radiology; Surveys and questionnaires; Tomography; X-Ray computed.