Background: With information on healthcare providers available on the internet, patient self-referral has become popular. This study serves to evaluate the ease with which patients can locate an Endocrine Surgeon using hospital websites.
Methods: Websites of the 16 top academic hospitals from The US News and World Report's Hospital Rankings for 2018-2019 were accessed. Each "Find A Doctor" page was searched for: "thyroid nodule," "hyperparathyroidism," and "adrenal mass." Data for suggested providers was collected and analyzed.
Results: Search results for "thyroid nodule" found Endocrine Surgeons as the predominant providers at 6% institutions, 25% suggested none. For "hyperparathyroidism," 31% institutions suggested a majority of Endocrine Surgeons, 19% suggested none. For "adrenal mass," 25% had Endocrine Surgeons as the predominant providers, 31% suggested none.
Conclusion: The majority of hospitals did not suggest Endocrine Surgeons as the predominant providers for the queried conditions, demonstrating the challenge patients face in finding an Endocrine Surgeon through hospital websites.
Keywords: Academic medicine; Endocrine surgery; Hospital websites; Self-referral.
Published by Elsevier Inc.