Smokers with serious mental illness (SMI) are less responsive to cessation treatments than those without SMI. In this study, we compared smokers with and without SMI on validated measures of biological and psychosocial factors associated with tobacco use. Smokers with (n = 58) and without SMI (n = 83) who were enrolled in parallel clinical trials were compared on measures of carbon monoxide (CO) exposure, nicotine exposure, tobacco-specific nitrosamine exposure, craving, smoking motives, affect, perceived stress, environmental exposure to smoke/smokers, respiratory symptoms, tobacco-related health risk perceptions, and whether they had received recent advice to quit smoking from a health care provider. Data were collected between 2013 and 2017 in Providence, Rhode Island, USA. Samples were compared using independent-sample t-tests and chi-squared tests. Smokers with SMI had higher CO, nicotine, and tobacco-specific nitrosamine exposure levels, greater cigarette dependence, higher craving, and higher scores on eight out of eleven smoking motives (p's < 0.05). Smokers with SMI reported more severe respiratory symptoms but lower perceived health risks of tobacco (p's < 0.05). These smokers were more likely to report having received advice to quit from a medical provider in the past 6 weeks (p < 0.05). Affect, stress, and exposure to smoke/smokers did not differ across samples. Our findings advance the understanding of the elevated smoking rates of people with SMI by comparing smokers with and without SMI on validated biopsychosocial measures. There is a need for interventions that reduce craving, reduce smoking motives, and increase risk awareness among smokers with SMI.
Keywords: Comorbidity; Craving; Nicotine; Schizophrenia; Smoking; Tobacco use disorder.
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