Approach followed for the refined exposure assessment as part of the safety assessment of food additives under re-evaluation

EFSA J. 2017 Oct 17;15(10):e05042. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2017.5042. eCollection 2017 Oct.


This statement describes the approach followed by the EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food (ANS) for performing refined exposure assessment in the framework of the re-evaluation of already permitted food additives. Estimation of exposure is obtained through combination of different type of data originating from different sources: food additive concentration is obtained from information provided to EFSA on use levels and/or information obtained by means of analytical measurements. In recent years, the use of market research data has also been used. The statement provides also a description of the three different scenarios used for the exposure assessment of food additives under re-evaluation, from the more conservative regulatory maximum level exposure assessment scenario to more refined ones. Lastly, a description is provided on the approach used for the uncertainty analysis which accompanies the exposure assessment.

Keywords: Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database; concentration data; dietary exposure; food additives.