Purpose: Verify the perception of popular and classical singers in relation to vocal symptoms and their possible relations regarding knowledge of health and vocal hygiene.
Method: This study was composed of 242 singers, aged between 17 and 60, of both sexes. A total of 56 singers were selected, with 186 singers, divided into 104 Popular Singers Group (PSG) and 82 Classical Singers Group (CSG). All participants answered the questionnaire for identification and also vocal self-assessment, and two protocols were applied, namely: Brazilian validated version of Voice Symptom Scale - VoiSS (Escala de Sintomas Vocais - ESV) and Questionário de Saúde e Higiene Vocal (QSHV).
Results: The largest number of participants was female. The classical singers presented more time of singing class than the popular ones. Show hours of 1-2 hours was higher in the number of subjects responding to both groups of singers. Classical singers presented greater perception of vocal symptoms when compared to the popular ones for total and emotional scores of the Brazilian validated version of VoiSS. The popular and classical groups do not make any difference regarding health and vocal hygiene, even though the groups obtained values above the QSHV normality score. There was no correlation between knowledge about vocal health and hygiene and vocal symptoms in singers.
Conclusion: Classical singers are more affected by vocal changes, especially women. The singers obtained a good degree of knowledge in vocal hygiene, not differing about the styles. The perception of vocal alteration in popular and classical singers seems to have no relation with the degree of health knowledge and vocal hygiene.