Introduction: In this study,we investigated the presence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in kidney transplanted children and its effect on kidney dysfunction.
Material and methods: One hundred thirty-five pediatric renal transplant patients were included in this study. The presence of CMV infection, CMV risk status, and other clinical features of the patients were evaluated retrospectively.
Results: Fifty-three percent of all patients and 68.8% of patients with CMV were male. The mean age was 12 years in all patients and CMV groups. According to the CMV risk classification, 40.9% of the patients with CMV infection/disease were in the high-risk group (CMV D+R-). In CMV risk groups, the presence of CMV infection/disease was similar. Cold ischemia time, male sex (patients and donors), deceased donor, higher HLA-mismatches, and cumulative antithymocyte globulin dose were found as risk factors for CMV infection/disease. Acute rejection/graft failure was observed in 27% of all patients. CMV infection has no effect on rejection/graft failure and survival.
Discussion: The frequency and risk factors of CMV in renal transplant children in our study were consistent with the literature.
Conclusions: CMV infection was found in one-fifth of our patients and the majority (71.9%) of them developed infection in the first 6 months. In one-third of our patients acute rejection/graft failure was observed. There was no effect of CMV infection on rejection/graft failure and survival in pediatric patients with proper and effective treatment.
Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier Inc.