Background: The impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on adult life outcomes is well-documented by a considerable body of research. This study investigates the relationship between ACEs and both physical and mental health outcomes in a nationally representative sample of Ukrainian adults.
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze whether ACEs are associated with lifetime physical and mental health outcomes in a nationally representative sample of Ukrainian adults. Participants and Setting In 2002, the World Mental Health Composite International Diagnostic Interview (WMH-CIDI) was administered to a national probability sample of Ukrainian adults (n = 4725).
Methods: Associations between ACEs and later life physical and mental health outcomes are examined using logistic regression models.
Results: ACEs were significantly correlated with poor later life mental and physical health. Participants with three or more ACEs were most likely to have chronic pain, cardiovascular disease, other disease, depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, substance abuse disorders, and all disability metrics analyzed. Adjusted odds ratios for these models ranged from 1.80 to 3.81. Additionally, we found a large association between the number of ACES and later negative health outcomes.
Conclusions: Our results indicate that in Ukraine, ACEs have a strong negative effect on later life mental and physical health. Further research is needed to explore specific ACEs and examine potential mediators such as social support in the relationship between ACEs and health outcomes.
Keywords: Adverse childhood experiences; Disability; Impairment; Later life health; Mental health; Physical health.
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