Dolutegravir therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) could be improved by measuring the unbound dolutegravir plasma concentration (Cu), particularly in patients experiencing virological failure or toxicity despite achieving appropriate DTG total plasma concentrations. Equilibrium dialysis (ED) is the gold standard to measure Cu, but ED is time consuming, precluding its use in clinical practice. In contrast, ultrafiltration is applicable to TDM, but is sensitive to numerous analytical conditions. In order to evaluate measurements of Cu by ultrafiltration, ultrafiltration conditions were validated by comparison with ED. DTG concentrations were measured by LC-MS/MS. Three ultrafiltration factors (temperature, duration and relative centrifugal force [RCF]) were evaluated and compared to ED (25/37 °C), using a design of experiment strategy. Temperature was found to influence Cu results by ED (p = 0.036) and UF (p = 0.002) when results were analysed with ANOVA. Relative centrifugal force (2000 g) and time (20 min) interacted to influence Cu (p = 0.006), while individually they did not influence Cu (p = 0.88 and p = 0.42 for RCF and time). Ultrafiltration conditions which yielded the most comparable results to ED were 37 °C, 1000 g for 20 min. Ultrafiltration results greatly depended on analytical conditions, confirming the need to validate the method by comparison with ED in order to correctly interpret DTG Cu.