Background and objectives: The ultrasound-guided proximal infraclavicular costoclavicular block (PICB) appears popular but its results are inconsistent. We sought an accurate demonstration of septae formed between the brachial plexus cords.
Methods: We performed in-plane, lateral-to-medial PICBs on 120 patients and recorded images. Once the most superficial lateral cord component was entered, a 0.4-0.6 mA current was applied to confirm needle placement; 5 ml of local anesthetic (LA) solution was then injected and its spread was observed and recorded. As the needle was advanced, the presence or absence of a hyperechoic linear structure was noted before the deeper compartment was reached, specifically looking for the possible displacement of such a septum.
Results: Upon initial scanning, a septum was observed in 67 of the 120 patients (46.2%). However, there was clear displacement of a linear septum between the lateral cord compartment and the medial and posterior cord compartments that prevented spread between the compartments in 94.16% of patients. Piercing the septum evoked motor responses from the medial or posterior cord. The same anatomical regions were studied microanatomically by analyzing cross-sections obtained with the same approach angle as the ultrasound probe.
Conclusions: Intraplexus fascial septae that bundled the medial and posterior cords into one compartment and separated them from the lateral cord were demonstrated and confirmed microanatomically. This suggests the need for two separate injections (or two separate catheter placements for continuous peripheral nerve blockade) into the superficial and deep compartments to ensure LA spread around all three cords of the brachial plexus at this level.
Keywords: anesthesia; barrier effect; brachial plexus block; circumneurium; complications; infraclavicular block; local anesthetics; microanatomy; septae; spreading.
© 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC.