The aim of this study was to evaluate different treatments of postpartum subclinical hypocalcemia in dairy cows with emphasis on PTH response. Twenty four cows with subclinical hypocalcemia (Ca 1.4-2.0 mmol/L), out of 180 Holstein cows tested, were assigned in one of three equal groups: (1) CON received no Ca supplementation, (2) PO-Ca received 1000 mL of oral Ca suspension, immediately after establishing hypocalcemia, and 500 mL of the suspension 12 h after, (3) IV-Ca intravenously received 500 mL of Ca immediately after establishing hypocalcemia. The blood samples were taken up to 48 h after initial treatment for determination of Ca, iP, Mg and PTH concentrations. Urine pH was also evaluated up to 48 h after initial treatment. Compered to CON cows that were hypocalcemic up to the 48 h, Ca concentrations were significantly higher in PO-Ca up to hour 8 and IV-Ca up to hour 24. At first 2 h, PTH concentrations were significantly lower, compared to CON, only in IV-Ca, while at hour 4 PTH concentrations were significantly lower in both treated groups. At hours 24 and 48, PTH concentrations were significantly lower only in PO-Ca compared to CON group. Urine pH values in CON indicate alkalosis and were significantly lower both in PO-Ca and IV-Ca group, up to 12 h and 24 h respectively. In conclusion, both treatments mitigated hypocalcemia in cows, but with significantly different PTH response. Due to adequate PTH response, normocalcemia is established in CON and expected transient hypocalcemia is avoided in IV-Ca cows.
Keywords: Ca application; Dairy cows; PTH; Subclinical hypocalcemia.
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