The molecular and serological methods available for Discrete Typing Units (DTU)-specific diagnosis of Trypanosoma cruzi in chronic Chagas disease present limitations. The study evaluated the performance of Human Chagas-Flow ATE-IgG1 for universal and DTU-specific diagnosis of Chagas disease. A total of 102 sera from Chagas disease patients (CH) chronically infected with TcI, TcVI or TcII DTUs were tested for IgG1 reactivity to amastigote/(A), trypomastigote/(T) and epimastigote/(E) antigens along the titration curve (1:250-1:32,000). The results demonstrated that "AI 250/40%", "EVI 250/30%", "AII 250/40%", "TII 250/40%" and "EII 250/30%" have outstanding accuracy (100%) to segregate CH from non-infected controls. The attributes "TI 4,000/50%", "EI 2,000/50%", "AVI 8,000/60%" and "TVI 4,000/50%" were selected for DTU-specific serotyping of Chagas disease. The isolated use of "EI 2,000/50%" provided the highest co-positivity for TcI patients (91%). The combined decision tree algorithms using the pre-defined sets of attributes showed outstanding full accuracy (92% and 97%) to discriminate "TcI vs TcVI vs TcII" and "TcI vs TcII" prototypes, respectively. The elevated performance of Human Chagas-Flow ATE-IgG1 qualifies its use for universal and TcI/TcVI/TcII-specific diagnosis of Chagas disease. These findings further support the application of this method in epidemiological surveys, post-therapeutic monitoring and clinical outcome follow-ups for Chagas disease.