Coil embolization of a thoracic aorta hematoma with branch artery pseudoaneurysm - case report

CVIR Endovasc. 2020 Aug 16;3(1):40. doi: 10.1186/s42155-020-00128-z.


Background: A thoracic aorta hematoma with branch artery pseudonaneurysm is a very rare complication of thoraric blunt trauma. The standard treatment of this type of injury is aortic endograft placement.

Case presentation: We present a case in which a thoracic aorta hematoma with branch artery pseudoaneurysm was treated with coil embolization instead of endografting.

Conclusions: Coil embolization of aortic injuries may be a safe and definitive treatment alternative in selected cases. This technique has the potential to reduce the risk of procedure-related complications.

Keywords: Aortic injury; Embolization; Experimental treatment; Novel technique; Side branch pseudoaneurysm.