We report herein the first French case of Saturday Night Retinopathy. A 39-year-old man presented to the emergency room with unilateral vision loss in the left eye with redness but no pain. Visual acuity OS was "light perception" and OD 20/20. The left eye was hyperemic with a fixed, dilated pupil; fundus examination revealed a macular cherry-red spot within a pale, ischemic retina. The patient was admitted to a stroke centre. The neurological work-up and head CT were normal. He also underwent evaluation for possible carotid or cardiac etiologies, all of which were negative. Current smoking was the only cardiovascular risk factor found. The patient reportedly fell asleep face down at his kitchen table after consuming a large amount of alcohol, with his left eye pressed into his arm throughout the night. Six similar cases have been reported in the literature since 1973. The prognosis for vision is dismal. Only public awareness and prevention might avoid this serious functional disability.
Keywords: Acute alcoholism; Alcoolisation aiguë; Angiographie à la fluorescéine; Automutilation; Blindness; Compression orbitaire; Cécité; Drug use; Eye; Ischémie rétinienne; Male; Mâle; Occlusion d’artère centrale de la rétine; Optique; Orbital ischemia; Pathologie orbitaire; Retinal artery occlusion; Saturday Night Retinopathy; Saturday night retinopathy; Self-induced orbital compression; Tomographie par cohérence; Usage de stupéfiants.
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