Aim: To identify participant, course characteristics and centre factors associated with participant satisfaction and ALS outcomes.
Methods: 17,690 participants enrolled on ALS courses between 1st December 2017 and 30th November 2018. Participant, course and centre characteristics were explored in relation to course learning outcomes and participant experience. Learning outcomes were assessed through a post-course MCQ score and technical and non-technical skills through a cardiac arrest simulation test (CAS-Test). Successful completion of knowledge and skill-based assessments led to overall course success. Participant feedback was collected on a post-course questionnaire. Multivariable analyses identified variables associated with course outcomes and feedback. Adjusted funnel plots compared inter-course centre outcomes.
Results: Mean post-course MCQ score was 86.7% (SD = 6.7). First attempt CAS-Test pass rate was 82.6% and overall course pass rate 94.4%. Participant characteristics explained the majority of variation between course centres. Characteristics associated with knowledge, skill and course outcomes were age, prior experience, pre-course MCQ score, course type, ethnicity, place of work, profession and seniority. Feedback scores were predicted by course type, pre-course MCQ, ethnicity, profession and seniority.
Conclusion: This is the first study to identify variables associated with both ALS feedback scores and assessment outcomes. It has demonstrated that both course outcomes and participant experience are similar across a large number of course centres. Identifying the demographic traits of participants who may struggle with ALS, may enable bespoke support from an earlier stage. Analysis of feedback scores and outcomes enables ongoing appraisal and targeted improvement of the Resuscitation Council UK ALS course.
Keywords: ALS; Advanced life support; Assessment; Education; Feedback; Outcomes; Resuscitation; Simulation.
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