Etiological models of the development of eating disorders among midlife and aging men are lacking. The present study provides a review and integration of existing theoretical frameworks and empirical data relevant to the examination of eating pathology in this population and introduces an integrated model of risk and protective factors for the development of eating disorder symptoms. Several etiological models of eating pathology that have gained some empirical support, or present relevance to this population, are briefly reviewed including sociocultural theory, objectification theory, social identity theory, positive body image and the developmental theory of embodiment, and existential and terror management theory, and finally biologically based theories. In addition, these frameworks were extended to account for developmental and gender-specific factors that may influence the development of eating disorders. An integrated model of risk and protective factors that brings together critical elements of these extended theoretical frameworks is presented, with the goal of guiding and stimulating research in this neglected group.
Keywords: Aging; Eating disorders; Men; Midlife; Muscularity; Theoretical model.
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