A comparative study of three cell-wall mannans, of Candida albicans serotypes A and B and Candida parapsilosis, by means of methylation analysis supports a model of yeast mannans as having an alpha-(1----6)-linked backbone with some units (depending on the origin of the mannan) being substituted at O-2 with oligosaccharides joined by alpha-(1---2) and, to a lesser extent, by alpha-(1----3) glycosidic bonds. Branching points in the side chains of Candida albicans mannans were found in substantial proportions for the first time, and the corresponding branched hexasaccharides were isolated by means of acetolysis and subsequent gel filtration. 13C-N.m.r. spectroscopy of the mannans, as well as a 1H-n.m.r. spectroscopic study of the oligosaccharides obtained on acetolysis of the mannans, led to results that agreed with those of methylation analysis.