Purpose: This study aims to determine local diagnostic reference levels (LDRLs) of intra-arterial chemotherapy (IAC) procedures of pediatric patients with retinoblastoma (RB) to provide data for establishing diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) in pediatric interventional radiology (IR).
Methods: In a retrospective study design, LDRLs and achievable dose (AD) were assessed for children undergoing superselective IAC for RB treatment. All procedures were performed at the flat-panel angiography systems (I) ArtisQ biplane (Siemens Healthineers) and (II) Allura Xper (Philips Healthcare). Patients were differentiated according to age (A1: 1-3 months; A2: 4-12 months; A3: 13-72 months; A4: 73 months-10 years; A5: > 10 years), sex, conducted or not-conducted chemotherapy.
Results: 248 neurointerventional procedures of 130 pediatric patients (median age 14.5 months, range 5-127 months) with RB (68 unilateral, 62 bilateral) could be included between January 2010 and March 2020. The following diagnostic reference values, AD, and mean values could be determined: (A2) DRL 3.9 Gy cm2, AD 2.9 Gy cm2, mean 3.5 Gy cm2; (A3) DRL 7.0 Gy cm2, AD 4.3 Gy cm2, mean 6.0 Gy cm2; (A4) DRL 14.5 Gy cm2, AD 10.7 Gy cm2, mean 10.8 Gy cm2; (A5) AD 8.8 Gy cm2, mean 8.8 Gy cm2. Kruskal-Wallis-test confirmed a significant dose difference between the examined age groups (A2-A5) (p < 0.001). There was no statistical difference considering sex (p = 0.076) and conducted or not-conducted chemotherapy (p = 0.627). A successful procedure was achieved in 207/248 cases.
Conclusion: We report on radiation exposure during superselective IAC of a pediatric cohort at the German Retinoblastoma Referral Centre. Although an IAC formally represents a therapeutic procedure, our results confirm that radiation exposure lies within the exposure of a diagnostic interventional procedure. DRLs for superselective IAC are substantially lower compared with DRLs of more complex endovascular interventions.
Keywords: Interventional neuroradiology; Intra-arterial chemotherapy; Radiation exposure; Retinoblastoma.