The current study evaluated components of existing theoretical models for loss of control (LOC) eating in young men. The link between body image concerns, including concerns with fat and muscularity, and LOC eating frequency was evaluated in 1109 ethnically/racially diverse men (18-30y). Dietary restraint, compulsive exercise, and emotion dysregulation were evaluated as putative mediators. Body mass index (BMI) and race/ethnicity were examined as moderators. Participants completed online surveys. Path analyses in Mplus tested indirect paths using the bias-corrected bootstrap method. Higher body fat concerns were directly linked to LOC eating frequency and indirectly linked through greater dietary restraint, compulsive exercise, and emotional dysregulation (ps<.01). The link among fat concerns, restraint, and LOC eating frequency was moderated by body mass, such that this association was particularly strong for men with a low-to-average BMI relative to those with a high BMI (p < .001). Higher muscularity concerns were not directly linked to LOC eating frequency but were indirectly linked through greater emotion dysregulation (p < .001). Body image concerns are associated with LOC eating in young men. The pathways to LOC eating may differ depending on the nature of men's body image concerns (muscularity vs. thinness). Prospective data are needed to verify these findings.
Keywords: Binge eating; Body image; Loss of control eating; Men; Theory.
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