A 67-year-old postmenopausal African American woman presented with biventricular takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TTC)-evidenced by transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) showing apical akinesis of both left and right ventricles in the absence of obstructive coronary artery disease on left heart catheterisation. On the 4th hospital day, she experienced acute left facial droop, dysarthria and dysphagia. CT of the head showed a wedge infarct of the right middle cerebral artery territory. Cardioembolism was presumed after intracranial and extracranial sources of thromboembolism were ruled out. Intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) was administered with resolution of symptoms. She was later discharged without neurological deficits. Crucially, repeat TTE after tPA infusion revealed a left ventricular mass concerning for thrombus. TTE 150 min prior to stroke onset was devoid of a mass. This case uniquely illustrates the potential for rapid thrombus formation and embolism in patients with TTC. As such, it emphasises the high index of suspicion required for management of these patients.
Keywords: Cardiovascular medicine; Stroke.
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