Little is known about HIV testing among young men who have sex with men (MSM) in Southeastern European countries, nor about differences in testing by young ethnic majority and young Roma MSM, the region's most disadvantaged minority population. 271 young MSM (153 non-Roma and 118 Roma) were recruited in Sofia, Bulgaria and completed measures of HIV testing, psychosocial characteristics related to testing, sexual behavior, and substance use. While 74% of ethnic majority MSM had an HIV test (and 56% had multiple prior tests), only 4% of Roma MSM had ever been tested. Roma MSM had lower knowledge about HIV testing, perceived greater barriers and weaker social norms for testing, and held more negative testing attitudes and intentions. Although all had male partners, no Roma MSM self-identified as gay and most reported transactional sex. Efforts are urgently needed to increase HIV testing uptake by young Roma MSM.
Keywords: Bulgaria; Gay/bisexual men; HIV; Men who have sex with men; Roma (Gypsies); Testing.