Dual emitting Ag35 nanocluster protected by 2-pyrene imine thiol

Chem Commun (Camb). 2020 Oct 25;56(83):12550-12553. doi: 10.1039/d0cc03983g. Epub 2020 Sep 17.


In this communication, we present the synthesis of 2-pyrene imine thiol (2-PIT)-protected Ag35 nanoclusters using a ligand exchange-induced structural transformation reaction. The formation of the nanocluster and its composition were confirmed through several spectroscopic and electron microscopic studies. The UV-vis absorption spectrum showed a set of characteristic features of the nanocluster. This nanocluster showed blue emission under UV light due to pyrene to metal core charge-transfer, and NIR emission due to charge-transfer within the metal core. This is the first report on dual emitting pyrene protected atomically precise silver nanoclusters.