Alcohol withdrawal directly impacts the brain's stress and memory systems, which may underlie individual susceptibility to persistent drug and alcohol-seeking behaviors. Numerous studies demonstrate that forced alcohol abstinence, which may lead to withdrawal, can impair fear-related memory processes in rodents such as extinction learning; however, the underlying neural circuits mediating these impairments remain elusive. Here, we tested an optogenetic strategy aimed at mitigating fear extinction retrieval impairments in male c57BL/6 mice following exposure to alcohol (i.e., ethanol) and forced abstinence. In the first experiment, extensive behavioral extinction training in a fear-conditioned context was impaired in ethanol-exposed mice compared to controls. In the second experiment, neuronal ensembles processing a contextual fear memory in the dorsal hippocampus were tagged and optogenetically reactivated repeatedly in a distinct context in ethanol-exposed and control mice. Chronic activation of these cells resulted in a context-specific, extinction-like reduction in fear responses in both control and ethanol-exposed mice. These findings suggest that while ethanol can impair the retrieval an extinction memory, optogenetic manipulation of a fear engram is sufficient to induce an extinction-like reduction in fear responses.
Keywords: addiction; alcohol; engram; extinction; fear conditioning; hippocampus; optogenetics; withdrawal.
© 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC.