Pregnancies with a high risk of fetal growth retardation are at present watched by using clinical observations and biological parameters including ultrasound and estimation of the fetal heart rate. The Doppler waveform in the umbilical arteries provides information about circulatory resistance in the placenta. An index of resistance "R" is evaluated on the Doppler trace. The purpose of this study is to describe the score (with its possibilities and limitations) for this parameter "R" to follow-up pregnancies with fetal growth retardation and to compare it with ultrasound, biological and clinical parameters that are commonly used. Two groups of pregnancies have been explored: pregnancies with hypertension and pregnancies with idiopathic fetal growth retardation. Abnormal values of "R" correlate well with failure of fetal growth. Furthermore pathological values of "R" do not correspond to the same population as abnormal values of the other parameters. In some cases "R" is disturbed before the others are. In conclusion, this study shows that the index increases the accuracy of detection and the follow-up of chronic fetal growth retardation, particularly in cases of pregnancies with vascular placental pathology.