In designing multifunctional materials for potential switches that can be used as memory devices, the high-spin (HS) to low-spin (LS) crossover (SCO) one-dimensional polymer, [FeII(L)(4,4'-bpy)] n , was constructed from a designed redox-active tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) functionalized Schiff-base and the ditopic linker 4,4'-bipyridine (bpy). It exhibits an 8 K hysteretic SCO centred at T 1/2 = 325 K which is coupled to changes in its dielectric constant. The crystal structures above and below the transition temperature reveal similar parallel linear ···Fe-bpy-Fe-bpy··· chains displaying expansion of the FeII octahedron in the HS state. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations reveal a concerted electronic charge and spin change represented by the Mülliken charge of the Fe and the magnitude and direction of the dipole moment which substantiate the experimental observations.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020.