Background: Foreign body (FB) ingestion is a common global issue in pediatrics. Most of the ingested FBs pass through the gastrointestinal tract, but up to 20% of cases require endoscopic removal. In this study, we retrospectively reviewed all pediatric cases of FB ingestion requiring endoscopic removal over a 10-year period in a tertiary hospital to compare the symptoms at presentation and outcomes with those reported in previous studies and to assess the association of the outcomes with patient and FB characteristics.
Methods: A retrospective chart review of children 16 years or younger who underwent upper endoscopy for FB ingestion from 2008 to 2018 in a tertiary hospital was included. Data on demographics, clinical presentation, characteristics of FBs, endoscopic findings, and outcomes were reviewed. The clinical data were further evaluated to determine the circumstances surrounding FB ingestion, FB management, and patient outcomes. Descriptive analysis of the data was performed using medians, frequencies, and percentage; χ2 or Fisher exact test was used to assess the dependence between categorical variables.
Results: Eighty-six patients (median age, 5.1 years; 67% males) underwent endoscopy for suspected FB ingestion, with a confirmation rate of 91%. Coins were the most commonly ingested FBs (n = 49, 57%). Most patients were symptomatic (84%); 97% of patients in whom the FB had an esophageal location and all patients in whom the FB was not detected by endoscopy were symptomatic (P = 0.007). The most frequent symptoms were drooling (70%) and unexplained crying (48%). Unexplained crying was more common in younger than in older patients (P < 0.001). The FB was more likely to be located in the esophagus in patients with drooling (P < 0.001) and dysphagia (P < 0.001). The distribution of FB location differed according to the FB type, with coins most frequently located in the esophagus and sharp and other FBs in the stomach (P = 0.023). Only 7 patients (8%) developed mild FB-related mucosal injury. No complications occurred during FB removal. All patients had an uneventful outcome.
Conclusions: Foreign body ingestion is common among younger children, and the clinical presentation can be variable. The presence or absence of symptoms, as well as the type of symptom, could aid clinicians in implementing diagnosis and proper management approaches in patients who ingest FBs requiring endoscopy.
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