Objective: To investigate the prevalence of Crohn's disease (CD) among urban employees in 24 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) in China in 2013. Method: The crude annual prevalence of CD among urban employees with medical insurance in 2013 was estimated by using the basic medical insurance database of 24 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions), as well as the prevalence by sex, age and region. The age-standardized rate based on the 2010 census was also estimated. Results: The crude prevalence of CD among urban employees in 2013 was 3.2/100 000(95%CI:3.1/100 000-3.3/100 000) , and the sex-specific rate was 3.5/100 000 (95%CI:3.3/100 000-3.6/100 000) and 3.0/100 000 (95% CI:2.8/100 000-3.1/100 000) for male and female, respectively. The crude prevalence in different regions indicated that the highest crude prevalence was in the eastern region [5.6/100 000 (95% CI:5.4/100 000-5.8/100 000) ]. Conclusion: The prevalence of CD in China is still lower than that of the western countries, with difference varied in terms of age, gender and region.
目的: 分析中国24省(自治区、直辖市;以下简称"省份")城镇医保职工2013年克罗恩病的患病率。 方法: 利用2013年中国24省份城镇职工医保数据库,基于泊松分布估算2013年城镇职工医保人群克罗恩病患病率,以及分性别、年龄别和不同地区的患病专率;采用2010年中国普查人口数据计算克罗恩病的标化患病率。 结果: 2013年城镇医保职工克罗恩病粗患病率为3.2/10万(95%CI:3.1/10万~3.3/10万),男、女患病专率分别为3.5/10万(95%CI:3.3/10万~3.6/10万)和3.0/10万(95%CI:2.8/10万~3.1/10万)。不同区域患病粗率显示,华东地区在区域中最高,为5.6/10万(95%CI:5.4/10万~5.8/10万)。 结论: 我国克罗恩病患病率较低,且患病率存在性别、年龄及地区差异。.
Keywords: Basic medical insurance database; Crohn Disease; Prevalence; Urban employees.