Although overall outpatient dispensing of opioid analgesic prescriptions has declined, there may still be overprescribing. Understanding how many opioid analgesic units, primarily tablets, are dispensed with the intention of shorter-vs longer-term use can inform public health interventions. We used pharmacy prescription data to estimate the number of opioid analgesic tablets dispensed annually in the U.S. We studied patterns of new use of opioid analgesics by evaluating how many opioid analgesic prescriptions and tablets were dispensed to patients with no opioid analgesic prescriptions in the previous year. Estimated opioid analgesic tablets dispensed declined from a peak of 17.8 billion in 2012 to 11.1 billion in 2018. Patients newly starting opioid analgesics declined from 47.4 million patients in 2011 to 37.1 million patients in 2017. Approximately 40% fewer tablets were dispensed within a year to patients starting in 2017 (2.4 billion) compared with 2011 (4.0 billion). In 2011, patients with ≥5 opioid analgesic prescriptions within a year were dispensed 2.2 billion tablets (55% of all tablets in our study). This declined by 52% to 1.1 billion tablets (44% of all tablets) in 2017. Tablets dispensed within a year to patients with <5 opioid analgesic prescriptions declined by 26% from 2011 to 2017. Patients with ≥5 prescriptions comprised a small and decreasing proportion of all patients newly starting therapy. However, these patients received almost half of all tablets dispensed within a year to patients in our study, despite a larger decline than tablets dispensed to patients with <5 prescriptions within a year.
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