Synthetic biology encompasses some of the greatest advancements in biology. With improvements in molecular methods and techniques that allow targeted and highly efficient genome manipulation, the capabilities of engineering biology have significantly increased. These enhancements in biotechnology represent significant potential benefits and risks to the global population. It is important that future leaders are trained and understand the incredible benefits, opportunities and risks associated with synthetic biology. The US Department of Defense (DoD) has issued a technical assessment on the future opportunities of synthetic biology and has encouraged the military institutions to expand and encourage bioengineering research programs. At the US Air Force Academy (USAFA), opportunities are provided for future Air Force officers to recognize the potential and risks associated with synthetic biology by participating in the USAFA Synthetic Biology Education Program (USBEP). Cadets can enroll in synthetic biology courses to learn and master molecular biology techniques and work on independent undergraduate research projects. In addition, cadets have the opportunity to join the USAFA's International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) team and compete in the international synthetic biology competition. This report includes details on how USAFA has recruited, enrolled and encouraged synthetic biology research and education among future leaders in the US Air Force.
Keywords: US Air Force Academy; USAFA; education; iGEM; synthetic biology; undergraduate research.
Published by Oxford University Press 2019. This work is written by US Government employees and is in the public domain in the US.