The umbilical circulation can be investigated by Doppler ultrasound techniques very easily. The Doppler frequency spectrum from the umbilical arteries provides information on the placental circulation. The diastolic flow amplitude is directly related to the vascular resistances of the placenta (Rp). In cases of pathological pregnancies with hypertension the decrease of the diastolic flow and the increase of the resistance index Rp have been correlated with intrauterine fetal growth retardation. Fetal cerebral arteries have also been explored during normal pregnancies (n = 40). The index of cerebral resistance (Rc) as defined by Pourcelot is Rc = S-D/S (with S systolic amplitude and D diastolic amplitude) and shows variations similar to the placental index. During normal pregnancy, the cerebral index is higher than the placental index and the cerebro-placental ratio (Rc/Rp) is greater than 1. This preliminary study of both umbilical and cerebral circulation seems to demonstrate that during pathological pregnancies with hypertension (n = 21), with fetal growth retardation one of the indices, Rc or Rp may be out of the normal range but the cerebro-placental ratio (CPR) is always less than 1. However a larger number of patients should be explored in order to evaluate the clinical usefulness of such an observation.