This workshop report summarizes the proceedings of Day 2 of a three-day workshop on "Current State and Future Expectations of Translational Modeling Strategies toSupportDrug Product Development, Manufacturing Changes and Controls". From a drug product quality perspective, physiologically based biopharmaceutics modeling (PBBM) is a tool to link variations in the drug product quality attributes to in vivo outcomes enabling the establishment of clinically relevant drug product specifications (CRDPS). Day 2 of the workshop focused on best practices in developing, verifying and validating PBBM. This manuscript gives an overview of podium presentations and summarizes breakout (BO) session discussions related to (1) challenges and opportunities for using PBBM to assess the clinical impact of formulation and manufacturing changes on the in vivo performance of a drug product, (2) best practices to account for parameter uncertainty and variability during model development, (3) best practices in the development, verification and validation of PBBM and (4) opportunities and knowledge gaps related to leveraging PBBM for virtual bioequivalence simulations.
Keywords: Biopharmaceutical characterization; Clinical pharmacokinetics; In vitro/In vivo (IVIVC) correlation(s); Oral absorption; Pharmacokinetics; Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling; Quality by design (QBD); Taken from the JPS dictionary.
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