Purpose: The Cervical Cancer Prevention in El Salvador (CAPE) project is a public-sector intervention introducing lower-cost human papillomavirus (HPV) testing in all four departments of the Paracentral region that screened a total of 28,015 women. After demonstrating success of an HPV screen-and-treat (S&T) algorithm over colposcopy management in the first two phases, the third phase scaled up the S&T strategy. We present results from phase III and evaluate S&T components across the entire project.
Methods: During phase III, 17,965 women age 30-59 years underwent HPV testing. HPV-positive women were asked to return and, if eligible, received gas-based cryotherapy. We compare loss to follow-up and time intervals between S&T steps across the three phases.
Results: There were no differences in HPV positivity across phases (phase I, 11.9%; phase II, 11.4%; phase III, 12.3%; P = .173). Although most HPV-positive women completed indicated follow-up procedures within 6 months in phases I (93.3%, 111 of 119) and II (92.3%, 429 of 465), this proportion declined to 74.9% (1,659 of 2,214; P < .001) in phase III. Mean days between testing and delivery of results to patients increased over program phases (phase I, 23.2 days; phase II, 46.7 days; phase III, 99.8 days; P < .001).
Conclusion: A public-sector implementation of an HPV-based S&T algorithm was successfully scaled up in El Salvador, albeit with losses in efficiency. After CAPE, the Ministry of Health changed its screening guidelines and procured additional tests to expand the program.