Diseases of the spinal cord often have devastating consequences and imaging studies are indispensable for their diagnosis. The fundamental imaging technique to evaluate these diseases is magnetic resonance imaging of the spine. The diagnostic approach must be based on the clinical context, the time elapsed since the onset of symptoms and signs, and the imaging findings; for this reason, it sometimes necessary to broaden the study to include the brain. The first step in the diagnostic algorithm is to rule out spinal cord compression before evaluating other causes of myelopathy, which sometimes has multiple causes. This paper includes a broad review of the different diseases that can cause myelopathy, their imaging manifestations, their differential diagnoses, and diagnostic algorithms. Using an appropriate radiological approach will result in better management and prognosis of these patients.
Keywords: Compresión de la médula; Diseases of the spinal cord; Enfermedades de la médula espinal; Imagen por resonancia magnética; Magnetic resonance imaging; Mielitis transversa; Mielopatía; Myelopathy; Spinal cord compression; Transverse myelitis.
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