Bacterial Synchronized Transfer Assays in Bone Marrow Derived Macrophages

Bio Protoc. 2019 Nov 20;9(22):e3437. doi: 10.21769/bioprotoc.3437.


Merocytophagy ("mero", Greek for partial; "cytophagy" for cell eating) is a process by which cells acquire microbes and cytosolic material through phagocytosis of a small portion of neighboring cells upon cell-cell contact. Cell-cell contact dependent transfer events can be assessed through co-incubation of differently labeled cells. With these assays, it is difficult to analyze the recipient cells by microscopy or bacterial burden within only recipient cells. Therefore, we established a synchronized transfer assay that allows for recipient cells to be isolated from donor cells following transfer events at a high purity. Here, we present this assay in context of bacterial infections and cytosolic cellular staining. With this protocol, mechanisms of cell-cell contact dependent transfer events and the events following merocytophagy can easily be investigated.

Keywords: Bacteria transfer; Bone Marrow Derived Macrophages; Cell transfer; Merocytophagy; Transfer assay.