After the birth of a child, parents may experience episodes of stress and psychological strain. Some infants show psychological or somatic stress in the form of early regulatory disorders. While the close connection between parental psychological stress, early regulatory disorders, and the development of the parent-child relationship is well documented, current data on effective treatment options are lacking. Previous care services mostly operate on a preventive basis; evidence-based psychotherapeutic services with a special focus on the parent-child relationship are rare.SKKIPPI is a multicenter research project (Berlin, Flensburg, Hamburg, Leipzig) and consists of several study parts with a mixed methods approach: an epidemiological cohort study, two randomized controlled intervention studies (RCTs), and a qualitative study. A population-based cohort study records the occurrence and determinants of psychosocial stress and mental health disorders, as well as the use of health and social services by parents and their children within the first two years of life, using online questionnaires and telephone interviews. The aim of the two RCTs is to evaluate the efficacy of a focused, dyadic parent-infant psychotherapy (Eltern-Säugling-Kleinkind-Psychotherapie, ESKP) compared to routine treatment in inpatient and outpatient settings. The focus of these RCTs is on the improvement of maternal sensitivity and on mother-child attachment, as well as child development and the reduction of mother-child psychopathological symptoms. The qualitative study intends to reconstruct the perspectives of parents on the assistance system and to explore reasons for underuse. The results are expected to help develop preventive as well as therapeutic strategies in the German health system.
Keywords: Attachment; Mentalization; Parent–infant psychotherapy; Postpartum mental disorders; Regulatory disorders.