Nurses should be culturally competent to care appropriately to all patient groups. Whilst there are many opportunities to obtain clinical experiences, there are less curriculum-based opportunities to develop cultural competencies. This multiple cross-sectional study aimed to explore the development of intercultural awareness, knowledge, and competence in two different nursing students' groups (2016 and 2017 program edition) during a one-week study abroad program hosted by a European network of 14 higher education institutions. A questionnaire was designed specifically for the study and reliability established. Factor analysis confirmed three dimensions: perceived benefits, satisfaction, and acquisition of learning outcomes. Fifty-eight students (71.6%) completed the questionnaire for the April 2016 group, and 60 (88.2%) from the April 2017 group. There were minimal differences in responses between the two groups which suggested perceived benefits were retained one year later. Ratings were high for perceived satisfaction, perceived benefits; and the learning outcomes with regard to cultural competencies. Overall, the one-week program was considered a success and students would recommend it to others. This study concludes that a short, one-week study abroad program enabled nursing students to develop individually as well as develop cultural competencies in healthcare.
Keywords: Cultural competency; ENNE; Nursing education; Student exchange.
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