The mechanism underlying the geometrical patterning of axon and dendrite wiring remains elusive, despite its crucial importance in the formation of functional neural circuits. The cerebellar Purkinje cell (PC) arborizes a typical planar dendrite, which forms an orthogonal network with granule cell (GC) axons. By using electrospun nanofiber substrates, we reproduce the perpendicular contacts between PC dendrites and GC axons in culture. In the model system, PC dendrites show a preference to grow perpendicularly to aligned GC axons, which presumably contribute to the planar dendrite arborization in vivo We show that βIII spectrin, a causal protein for spinocerebellar ataxia type 5, is required for the biased growth of dendrites. βIII spectrin deficiency causes actin mislocalization and excessive microtubule invasion in dendritic protrusions, resulting in abnormally oriented branch formation. Furthermore, disease-associated mutations affect the ability of βIII spectrin to control dendrite orientation. These data indicate that βIII spectrin organizes the mouse dendritic cytoskeleton and thereby regulates the oriented growth of dendrites with respect to the afferent axons.
Keywords: Dendrite development; Mouse; Neuron; Purkinje; SCA5; Spectrin; Spinocerebellar ataxia.
© 2020. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.